There are a few things you need to do after exporting or injecting translations to ensure that your game is playable in the language you are using.
Without doing this step, your in-game text may appear gibberish, fonts disappear or turn into question marks.
Open the Wolf RPG Editor
After exporting or injecting the translation, open the Wolf RPG Editor. You can do this easily using the Open Editor button in the WOLF tab.

Then, once you’re in Wolf RPG Editor, navigate to Game Settings → Open Game Settings

This will bring up the Basic Game Settings screen

There are two things you need to do on this screen.
1. Change the font
By default Wolf RPG uses the MS Gothic font which supports Japanese.
You can define a main font and three sub fonts; you do not have to specify anything. However, make sure you input the font names exactly. The sub-fonts defined here can be temporarily switched to in messages using the special code \font[1] (change to sub-font 1).
Also, you cannot use fonts with a .fon extension (Adobe Type fonts like “WST_Engl” or “Small Fonts”).
(The moment you try to display text with these fonts, the game apparently force-closes.)
Loading External Font Files
If a font is not installed on the PC being played on, “MS Gothic”(Japanese) is used by default, but you can include the font file and it will be automatically loaded in.
To do this, include the font file (ttf and ttc formats only) in the Data folder (only if not encrypting the entire Data folder), or in the same place as Game.exe.
Please enter the font name exactly (not to be confused with the font’s file name). On Windows, you can find font names by right-clicking a TTF file, clicking Properties, and in the Details tab, it is listed as “Title.” (It is possible more exactness is required as of Wolf RPG Ver. 2.20.)
Also, if you are releasing to English audiences, you will need to input the English font name.
2. Change the character encoding
First of all, Wolf RPG Engine doesn’t seem to support Unicode, so games made with Wolf RPG can only be played if the character encoding in the game is the same as the character encoding in the windows locale.
So you need to set the character encoding according to the language you use in this menu.

Besides that, you also need to set the character encoding to the same in Translator++
Open up Options Window → Expand Add-ons → Select wolfJS → In Write Encoding, select the encoding that match your language (In this example Chinese Traditional is GB2312)

Also keep in mind that your game can only be played in the same Windows locale as the character encoding you selected here.