Using Sugoi translator as MTL on XUnity Auto Translator

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Using Sugoi translator as MTL on XUnity Auto Translator

Sugoi Translator currently requires an external translator plugin.


SugoiTranslator’s offline mode recommends at least 8GB of RAM. Make sure you have that + the amount of memory the game you’re running also requires.

CUDA support requires an NVIDIA graphics card that supports it (GTX10xx, RTX series).


  1. Make sure your XUnityAutoTranslator works even without this plugin
  2. Install the Sugoi Translator Toolkit.

You can also install through Translator++, to learn the installation process you can see the following:

How to set up Translator++ to use Sugoi Translator Toolkit Ver. 5.0
  1. Get an external translator plugin here:
put the .dll file in the Translators folder on your framework
for example for BepInEx, put the file at

  1. Run your game once to generate/update the XUAT configuration file. Once the game has run and initialized properly, exit the game.
  2. Backup your XUAT configuration file (AutoTranslatorConfig.ini). After you have a backup copy, edit the configuration and change the Endpoint setting to SugoiOfflineTranslator.

Your [Service] section should look like this:

  1. (optional) Go to the [SugoiOfflineTranslator] section of the configuration and set the InstallPath setting to the full path where Sugoi Translator is installed/extracted. This folder contains the various .bat batch files to start the different translator modes.
    If you installed the CUDA support, set EnableCuda to True and increase MaxBatchSize to a larger value (e.g. 100).

here is an example of the default setting of the Suggoi offline translator. In the example, Sugoi V5 installed at `C:\Tool\` You have to replace it according to the installed Sugoi path


If you installed ctranslate2 support, set EnableCTranslate to True.

Optionally, if you want the translations to reflect faster, set EnableShortDelay to True. There are a bunch more configuration options you can set (refer to the configuration section for details on what they do)


Run the game. If you set the InstallPath setting, do not run the SugoiTranslator’s offline mode batch script, as the endpoint starts its own version of the server.
also, you can start the server from Translator++.

Once the game is running you can press Alt+0 to bring up the XUAT panel to confirm that you’ve configured the endpoint properly and if it’s translating.

Example how fast is Sugoi Translator as MTL on a qualified device

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