Framework Not Working

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Framework Not Working

Ensure that the installed framework and Xunity.AutoTranslate matches the game format.

there are 32-bit and 64-bit versions, as well as mono and il2cpp versions. You can identify your game’s format using this link: Identify Your Unity Engine.
(Please note we do not talk about your computer or your Windows, but your game. 64bit windows can run both 32bit and 64bit game, so if your game is 32bit, ensure you are using 32bit framework, Not 64bit)

Migrate to another framework

there are a lot of Unity frameworks to translate using X.Unity Auto Translation, you may know ReiPatch as the default translator provided by Translator++ or recommended from social media, or commonly included in Unity games. If you try using ReiPatch but it doesn’t go well or doesn’t work, you can switch to another framework. You can try BepInEx or MelonLoader. Both are still active in improving their framework, and both work not only 32 and 64, but also mono and il2cpp as well.

Two frameworks cannot work together

Make sure to install only one type of framework. This error often occurs when users fail with one framework (usually reipatcher) and attempt to install another framework before uninstalling the previous framework entirely. Here’s a link on how to completely uninstall reipatcher: Uninstall XUnity.AutoTranslator (Reipatcher). For other framework types, visit the XUAT GitHub page under the framework segment: XUnity.AutoTranslator GitHub.

Ensure that the framework you install is located as instructed

Many users mistakenly place the framework in the wrong location, such as in a launcher shortcut or downloaded assets. For large Unity games, they may have specific launchers, (not DMM or steam i mean, the client launcher to connect game server). Unity-based MMO games with CDN sometimes create two or more folders—one for the client launcher and another for downloaded assets.
Where should you install the framework? The answer is the folder next to the game client exe file, usually with another exe file in the same folder named UnityCrashHandler64.exe or UnityCrashHandler32.exe.

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