When and How to use Substitutions

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When and How to use Substitutions

Sometimes when using Machine Auto Translate, names are often mistranslated.

If you only use xUnity.AutoTranslator as a translation tool, you can utilize substitutions.

Substitutions are applied to found texts before translations are created. This is controlled through the SubstitutionFile (_Substitutions.txt), which uses the same format as normal translation text files, although regexes are not supported.

This is useful for replacing names that are often translated incorrectly, etc.

When using substitutions, the found occurrences will be parameterized in the generated translations, like so:

私は{{A}}=I am {{A}}

Alternatively, if the configuration GenerateStaticSubstitutionTranslations=True is used, the translations will not be parameterized.

Turning on GenerateStaticSubstitutionTranslations

Note that the use of substitutions will affect text hooking, so make sure that the substituted words are unique and not homonyms, or words with very few occurrences of other words within them.

For example, if there is a character named リン, and you include it in _Substitutions.txt, then all occurrences of words containing リン will be substituted with {{A}}, including リン in リン (pudding) and リンセス (princess).

That’s why substitutions should be avoided if you plan to redistribute the translation results.

Avoid: Use this file as sparingly as you would use regexes, as it can have an effect on performance.

Warning: If the text to be translated includes rich text, it cannot currently be parameterized.

for more information: https://github.com/bbepis/XUnity.AutoTranslator#substitutions

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