Keyboard Shortcuts

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Keyboard Shortcuts



For more information, please refer to Handsontable keyboard navigation:


Arrow Up ↑Move to the cell above current active cell if exists
Arrow Down ↓Move to cell below the current active cell if exists
Arrow Right →Move to the cell on the right side of the current active cell if exists
Arrow Left ←Move to the cell on the left side of current active cell if exists
TabMove to the cell on the right side of the current active cell if exists
Tab + ShiftMove to the cell on the left side of current active cell if exists
HomeMove to the first cell in a row
EndMove to the last cell in a row
Ctrl + HomeMove to the first cell in a column
Ctrl + EndMove to the last cell in a column


Ctrl + ASelect all
Shift + Arrow Up ↑Extend selection of the cell above
Shift + Arrow Down ↓Extend selection of the cell underneath
Shift + Arrow Right →Extend selection of the cell on the right
Shift + Arrow Left ←Extend selection of the cell on the left
Shift + HomeSelect all cells in the row to the left including the current cell
Shift + EndSelect all cells in the row to the right including the current cell


Enter ⏎Open/close cell editor
F2Open cell editor
EscCancel editing and close cell editor
BackspaceEmpty cell
DeleteEmpty cell
Shift + Enter ⏎Opens editor and move to the cell above current active cell (if exists)
Ctrl + Enter ⏎Opens editor and adds new line in the cell
Ctrl + CCopy cell’s content
Ctrl + XCut cell’s content
Ctrl + VPaste cell’s content & formatting
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste cell’s content only (without formatting)
Ctrl + Enter ⏎Fill all selected cells with edited cell’s value
Ctrl + Zundo
Ctrl + Yredo
Ctrl + GGenerate translation on the currently selected cell by using the default translator engine
Ctrl + shift + GMerge the text across cells and translate with the default translator engine
Shift + DeleteDelete the row
Alt + DeleteClear context translation on the selected row(s)


This shortcut will only worked if your cursor is on the edit box.

Edit box
ctrl+0Insert text from current row’s column 0 (original text) into current pointer position.
ctrl+1Insert text from current row’s column 1 into current pointer position.
ctrl+2Insert text from current row’s column 2 into current pointer position.
ctrl+3Insert text from current row’s column 3 into current pointer position.
ctrl+4Insert text from current row’s column 4 into current pointer position.
ctrl+5Insert text from current row’s column 5 into current pointer position.
ctrl+6Insert text from current row’s column 6 into current pointer position.
ctrl+7Insert text from current row’s column 7 into current pointer position.
ctrl+8Insert text from current row’s column 8 into current pointer position.
ctrl+9Insert text from current row’s column 9 into current pointer position.
alt+0Insert translation from translator with index 0 into current pointer position.Translator with index 0 is source text.

Only if Live Translation () is active and connected

alt+1Insert translation from translator with index 1 into current pointer position.
alt+2Insert translation from translator with index 2 into current pointer position.
alt+3Insert translation from translator with index 3 into current pointer position.
alt+4Insert translation from translator with index 4 into current pointer position.
alt+5Insert translation from translator with index 5 into current pointer position.
alt+6Insert translation from translator with index 6 into current pointer position.
alt+7Insert translation from translator with index 7 into current pointer position.
alt+8Insert translation from translator with index 8 into current pointer position.
alt+9Insert translation from translator with index 9 into current pointer position.


ctrl+oOpen saved document (.trans)
ctrl+sSave document (.trans)
ctrl+fOpen search window
ctrl+gGenerate translation on the selected cell
ctrl+hOpen find and replace window
ctrl+dAdd selected text into Common Reference
Numpad’s enterGo to the next cell in the same column
ctrl + Arrow down ↓Go to the next untranslated cell in the same column
ctrl + Arrow up ↑Go to the previous untranslated cell in the same column
alt + ,Read the original text with text to speech build in utility
alt + .Read the translated text with text to speech build in utility
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