Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Common Issue

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  4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Common Issue

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Common Issue

Q: The game still launched but the translation not working.

To identify the location of the issue, it is divided into two parts:

To identify indications of whether the framework working or not, check the console or read log files.
Log files are located in the framework folder, for example, for BepInEx: {Game folder}\BepInEx.
The console is in the config folder within the framework, for example, for BepInEx: {Game folder}\BepInEx\config\BepInEx.cfg.
Open the file and edit it as follows under the Logging console:

# Enables showing a console for log output.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
Enabled = true

If the game is running (launcher and direct have no effect), and there is no activity in the console or log file, the framework has failed to inject the translator.

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