“Row” and “Line” are commonly used terms in Translator++. They are used as “row”, “line”, “row by row”, “line by line”, etc. They are similar but different.
A “Row” is a single row in the grid.

One row consists of several columns or cells, each of those cells can have several lines.
A line is a collection of words or characters that ends with a line break character(\n
- A row can consist of several lines of text.
- A row can have several cells, each of which has text that has more than one line.

Row-by-row and Line-by-line
Row by row
is a phrase search mode in texts where Translator++ will compare the keyword with the entire key text in a row.
While line by line
is a phrase search mode where Translator++ will compare line-per-line in the text, and put the translation in the same index where the keyword is found.