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Custom scripts in Translator++ are divided into 5 different workspaces: global workspace, object level, row level, cell level, and found cells (in search window)

There is no built in iterator in the global workspace.

1. Global workspace

There is no built in iterator on Global level workspace

Global workspace

2. Object based iterator

In this workspace the script will be executed for each selected object (or all if none selected)

Object level iterator

3. Row based iterator

In this workspace the script will be executed for each row within selected object (or all if none selected).

Row level iterator

4. Cell based iterator

In this workspace the script will be executed for each cell (row and column) within selected object (or all if none selected).

Cell based iterator available on the context menu of the grid

5. Found cells

Cell based iterator also available through search menu

Global properties and function



All variable (and constant) declared using var, const and let inside custom script will not available on the next iteration.

Use global scoped variable (such as: window) to make the variables available across iteration.

For example, take a look at the following example:

// a variable declared with var
var localScope = localScope||0;
console.log("localScope:", localScope);

// a variable declared inside global variable : window
window.globalScope = window.globalScope||0;
console.log("globalScope", window.globalScope);
The comparison between local scoped variable and global scoped variable

“this” keyword

The following this keyword property can be called from all workspaces


object: To get the user inputted value by the property name

Property name is defined at the API → Property Name field in the Form Builder. In the following case the name of the property is tagName.


Note the this.userInput.tagName to grab the tagName user input value

 * some description
 * @arg tagColor - Please enter the tag color
 * @arg [someTag=data] - some information
 * @form  
 * {
 *   "display": "form",
 *   "settings": {},
 *   "components": [
 *     {
 *       "label": "Enter the tag name",
 *       "placeholder": "red",
 *       "applyMaskOn": "change",
 *       "tableView": true,
 *       "key": "tagName",
 *       "type": "textfield",
 *       "input": true,
 *       "validate": {
 *         "required": true
 *       }
 *     }
 *   ]
 * }
if (!this.keyText) return;
console.log("index", this.index);
console.log("userInput", this.userInput);
if (this.context.length > 1) this.tags.push(this.userInput.tagName || "yellow");
if (this.index >  10) {
    console.log("do something");


In addition to the Translator++ standard library, you can also use the following functions that were created specifically for the iteration framework.


Immediately halt the iteration process

Object level iterator

“this” keyword

On object level, you can access the properties of the current object via this keyword.


String: the ID of the current object


Integer: the current index of iteration


// Save project each 250 iteration
if (this.index%250 == 0) await;


Integer: Maximum index of current execution


Boolean: True if the current iteration is the last from the process.

Row level iterator

Execute javascript code for each row of the selected (checked) object in the project.

If no objects are selected then all object will be processed.

“this” keyword

All information of the current data are stored in the this keyword.

Row level iterator can use all the this properties from the Object level iterator. In addition, the cell based iterator has the following properties:


String: Id of the current object


// will print out the current fileID
// will skip the process if the object is a plugin script
if (this.file.includes("/plugins/")) return;
// get the properties of the current object using trans library


Integer: The index of the row


String: The key text


// Skip if the current key text is not in any Japanese characters
// you can use common library of Translator++
if (common.containJapanese(this.keyText) == false) return;


Array: the cells in the current row


// will write column 1 with the content of column 0
this.cells[1] = this.cells[0]
// Capitalize the first character of column 1
this.cells[1] = this.cells[1][0].toUpperCase()+this.cells[1].substr(1);


Array: the tags of the current row


// skip if has red tags
if (this.tags.includes("red")) return;


Object: the parameters of the current row


Array: the context of the current row

// If the row is a message, then strip all new line and put to the second column
// otherwise just copy the text from first column as is.
if (this.context.join("\n").includes("/message/") == false) return this.cells[1] = this.keyText;
this.cells[1] = this.cells[0].replaceAll(/[\r\n]/g);


Array: the comments of the current row. Index of the comments represents its cell id.


Example 1

Remove the new line from all messages. Keep the newline if the first or the last line are not Japanese.

var filteredSource = this.keyText.replaceAll("\r", "");
if (!filteredSource) return;
if (!common.containJapanese(filteredSource)) return;
if (filteredSource.includes("\n") == false) return this.cells[1] = this.keyText;
if (this.context.join("\n").includes("/message/") == false) return this.cells[1] = this.keyText;

var lines = filteredSource.split("\n");
var lastLine = lines[lines.length - 1]
var firstLine = lines[0]
if (!common.containJapanese(lastLine)) {
    // last line is non japanese, let the last line intact
    var text = lines.slice(0, lines.length -1).join("");
    text = text+"\n"+lastLine;
    this.cells[1] = text;
} else if (!common.containJapanese(firstLine)) {
    // first line is non japanese, let the first line intact
    var text = lines.slice(1, lines.length).join("");
    text = firstLine+"\n"+text;
    this.cells[1] = text;
} else {
    this.cells[1] = lines.join("");

Example 2

Replaces the first line of translated text with the first line of original text

// if column 0 is empty then skip
if (!this.cells[0]) return;

// split the original text into lines
var linesOfOrigText = this.cells[0].replaceAll("\r", "").split("\n");

// if the first character of the first line is not "\" then skip!
if (linesOfOrigText[0][0] !== "\\") return;

// split the translated text into lines
var linesOfTargetText = this.cells[1].replaceAll("\r", "").split("\n");

// replace the first line of translated line with the original one
linesOfTargetText[0] = linesOfOrigText[0];


// put the result on column 2
this.cells[2] = linesOfTargetText.join("\n");

Cell level iterator

“this” keyword

Cell level iterator can use all the this properties from the Object level iterator and Row level iterator. In addition, the cell level iterator has the following properties:


Integer: The index of the cell


String: The text of the cell

This is a read only property


Obj: Coordinate of the cell

Will print out something like:



Set text into the current cell


Translate found cells with Sugoi Trans (excludes the first or the last row in the message)

// Cell by cell translation
// It will ignore the first or the last line if that line is a code
// Because some developer put a code for displaying character name on the first line of the message

const targetCell = 2;
const translator = trans.sugoitrans;
if (!this.cells[0]) return;
if (!this.cells[targetCell]) return;
var text = this.cells[targetCell];
var sourceLine = this.keyText.replaceAll("\r", "").split("\n");

// filter, only translate message with "「"
if (text.includes("「") == false) return;

var translated = "";
if (sourceLine.length > 1) {
    var sourceFirstLine = sourceLine[0];
    var sourceLastLine  = sourceLine[sourceLine.length - 1];
    if (/[\\A-Za-z0-9\[\]<>]+/g.test(sourceFirstLine)) {
        // skip first line
        console.log("skip first line");
        var result = await trans.sugoitrans.translate(sourceLine.slice(1).join("\n"));
        translated = sourceFirstLine+"\n"+result.translation;
    } else if (/[\\A-Za-z0-9\[\]<>]+/g.test(sourceLastLine)) {
        // skip last line
        console.log("skip last line");
        var result = await trans.sugoitrans.translate(sourceLine.slice(0,sourceLine.length - 1).join("\n"));
        translated = result.translation+"\n"+sourceLastLine;
    } else {
        console.log("all lines");
        var result = await trans.sugoitrans.translate(sourceLine.join("\n"));
        translated = result.translation;        
} else {
    console.log("one line");
    var result = await trans.sugoitrans.translate(sourceLine.join("\n"));
    translated = result.translation;  

this.cells[targetCell] = translated;
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