Tag reference

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Tag reference

Overview of tags

A tag is something enclosed between [ ]. Basically, they should be written in lower case letters. The name of the tag should be written immediately after the [ (no white spaces). For example, the tag trans would be [trans].

Tags have attributes that can be used to specify tag options. If you don’t want to specify any attributes, just put [ after the tag name and the tag is completed. For example, [ct].

If you want to specify an attribute, always write the name of the attribute after the tag name or after the previous attribute, leaving a half-width space between them. The attribute name must be followed by = and then the value of the attribute. After writing all the attributes, close the tag with ].

For example, if you want to write the attribute “time” in the trans tag, you would write [trans time=0], and if you want to write the attribute rule=trans vague=1, write [trans time=0 rule=trans vague=1].

The value of the attribute can be enclosed in "" or not. For example, [trans time="0"] and [trans time=0] are the same. However, if the value of an attribute contains spaces, it must be surrounded by "". For example, [font face="MS P Gothic"].

Also, if & is added to the beginning of an attribute value, anything written after it will be evaluated as a TJS expression, and the result will be used as the attribute value. For example, if you write [trans time=&f.clearTime], the content of the variable f.clearTime will become the value of the time attribute.

If you omit the value of an attribute (i.e., do not write anything after ‘=’ in the attribute), it will be assumed that the value of the attribute true is specified. For example, [playse loop storage="shock.wav"] omits the value of the loop attribute, which is equivalent to [playse loop=true storage="shock.wav"].

Command line

The command line begins with @, followed by the tag name and attributes.

Only one tag can be written in a line.

The following two lines are equivalent.

[trans time=0 rule=trans vague=1]
@trans time=0 rule=trans vague=1

Cond attribute

macro endmacro if else elsif endif ignore endignore iscript are tags that requires cond attribute, except for the endscript tag.

The cond attribute specifies a TJS expression, and the tag will be executed only if the result of evaluating this expression is true. If it is false, the tag will not be executed.

Example :

[if cond=f.noskip] ; ↑ f.noskip
; ↑ Execute l tag only when f.noskip is true

Classification of tags by its type

System Operations

autowc(Automatic weighting)
clearsysvar(Clear all system variables)
clickskip(Set click-skip)
close(Close Window)
cursor(Change Mouse Cursor)
hidemessage(Clear messages)
loadplugin(Load plug-ins)
mappfont(Assign Rendered Fonts)
nextskip(“Continue to next option” setting)
quake(Shake the screen)
rclick(Right-click settings)
resetwait(Initialize weights)
stopquake(Stop screen shaking)
title(Specify title)
wait(Add weight)
waitclick(Wait for click)
wc(Add weight for the number of characters)
wq(Wait for screen shaking to finish)

Form operations

checkbox(Create checkbox)
commit(Confirm form contents)
edit(Creating a single line edit)

Macro Operations

endmacro(End of macro description)
erasemacro(Delete Macro)
macro(Writing Macros)

Message operations

cancelautomode(Cancel “Auto-read”)
cancelskip(Cancel “Skip”)
ch(Display text)
cm(Clear all message layers)
ct(Reset Message Layer)
current(Specify the message layer to operate)
deffont(Set Default Character Attributes)
defstyle(Default Style Settings)
delay(Setting Character Display Speed)
endindent(Release Indent)
endnowait(End of Character Display No Weight)
er(Erase Characters in Message Layer)
font(Character Attribute Settings)
glyph(Specify Click Wait Symbol)
graph(Inline Image Display)
hch(Display Vertical and Horizontal)
indent(Indent Settings)
l(End-of-Line Click Waiting)
locate(Specify text display position)
locklink(Locking Links)
nowait(No text display weight)
p(Wait for Page Break Click)
position(Message Layer Attributes)
r(Line Break)
resetfont(Reset Character Attributes to Default)
resetstyle(Restore Style to Default)
ruby(Specify Ruby)
style(Set Style)
unlocklink(Unlock Links)

Message history operations

endhact(End of message history action)
hact(Message History Action)
history(Message History Settings)
hr(Message History Line Break/Page Break)
showhistory(Display Message History)

Label jump operations

button(Graphical buttons)
call(Call Subroutine)
cclick(Click to Release)
click(Click to Jump)
ctimeout(Unwait Timeout)
cwheel(Unwait Wheel)
endlink(Hyperlink (End of Hyperlink))
jump(Jump Scenario)
return(Return from Subroutine)
timeout(Jump waiting for timeout)
wheel(Jump to wait for wheel)

Layer operations

animstart(Start animation)
animstop(Stop animation)
backlay(Copy layer information from front page to back page)
copylay(Copy layer information)
freeimage(Release layer image)
image(Load image)
laycount(Change the number of layers)
layopt(Layer attributes)
mapaction(Specify area action definition file for clickable map)
mapdisable(Disable Clickable Map)
mapimage(Specify Area Image for Clickable Map)
move(Auto Move Layers)
pimage(Loading Additional Image)
ptext(Draw text on layer)
stopmove(Stop Layer Auto Move)
stoptrans(Stop Layer Transition)
trans(Layer transitions)
wa(Waiting for animation to stop)
wm(Waiting for automatic movement to finish)
wt(Waiting for end of transitions)

Sound effect, BGM and Video operations

bgmopt(BGM setting)
cancelvideoevent(Disabling Period Events)
cancelvideosegloop(Disabling video segment looping)
clearbgmlabel(Removing BGM label passing processing)
clearbgmstop(Release BGM stop processing)
clearvideolayer(Release video layer)
fadebgm(Fade in BGM)
fadeinbgm(Start BGM playback while fading in)
fadeinse(Fade in sound effect playback)
fadeoutbgm(Fade out BGM)
fadeoutse(Fade out sound effect)
fadepausebgm(Pause while fading out BGM performance)
fadese(Fade in sound effect)
openvideo(Preparing to Play Video/SWF)
pausebgm(Pause BGM Performance)
pausevideo(Pause Video)
playbgm(Playing BGM)
playse(Playing Sound Effects)
playvideo(Playing Video/SWF)
preparevideo(Preparing to Play Video)
resumebgm(Resume BGM Playback)
resumevideo(Resume Video Playback)
rewindvideo(Rewinding Video)
seopt(Sound Effect Settings)
setbgmlabel(Registration of BGM label passing process)
setbgmstop(Registration of BGM Stop Processing)
stopbgm(Stop BGM Playback)
stopse(Stop Sound Effect Playback)
stopvideo(Stop video/SWF playback)
video(Specify video/SWF display area attributes)
videoevent(Generate Period Event)
videolayer(Video layer setting)
videosegloop(Video segment loop playback)
wb(Wait for BGM fade to end)
wf(Wait for end of sound effect fade)
wl(Wait for end of BGM playback)
wp(Waiting for video period event)
ws(Wait for end of sound effect playback)
wv(Waiting for video playback to end)
xchgbgm(Replacing BGM)

Variable and TJS operations

clearvar(Clear all game variables)
else(Execute when the content of an if is not executed)
elsif(Execute conditionally when the contents of previous if’s have not been executed)
emb(Embedding the result of expression evaluation)
endif(Conditionally execute the scenario (end of))
endignore(Ignore scenario by condition (end of))
endscript(Write TJS script (end of))
eval(Evaluate expression)
if(Execute scenario by condition)
ignore(Ignore Scenario by Condition)
input(Input String)
iscript(Writing a TJS Script)
trace(Output value to console)
waittrig(Wait for trigger)

Save and Load operations

copybookmark(Copy bookmark)
disablestore(Disable bookmark function temporarily)
erasebookmark(Clear bookmark)
goback(Back to previous page)
gotostart(Back to beginning)
load(Load bookmark)
locksnapshot(Lock snapshot)
record(Log passages)
save(Save bookmark)
startanchor(Enable/Disable “Back to beginning”)
store(Set bookmark function)
tempload(Load a bookmark from memory)
tempsave(Save bookmark to memory)
unlocksnapshot(Unlock snapshot)

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