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Tags are markers for rows on the grid. Each tag is represented by a color, for example “red”, “green”, “blue” and so on, and this color will appear in the row header (most left of the table).

Tags are more than just markers to improve the visual looks. With tags we can perform many filtering operations easily.

Each row can have more than one tags.

How to set the tags

You can set the tags directly from the grid.

Or you can also set it from the search result.

Setting tags on the search result

One example of practical use of this feature is to mark translatable text based on context to exclude in the translation process, such as scripts or comments.

Setting tags to all script related command

How are tags useful?

If you use machine translation to speed up your translation process, you probably don’t want everything to be machine translated. Maybe because you don’t want to pay extra for an automated translation service just to translate meaningless code. So you need to choose which texts are translated and which are not. You can use tags to blacklist or whitelist which text to translate.

Blacklist all text with red tags on Batch translation dialog

We can also use tags to export/inject some selected translations based on tags.

Only inject translations that have a gold tag

We can also use tags to set word wrap when exporting or injecting translations.

Use tags to limit the horizontal length of text on a single line.

Using Tags in Custom Script

Tags are also useful when we use custom scripts. We can use tags as controls or filters for the batch process that we make.

There are several functions in the trans api that we can use to get information about tags, or control tags in a row. Such as trans.hasTags, trans.setTags, trans.resetTags, trans.removeTags, trans.appendTag, trans.clearTag.

Using trans.hasTags to check the tags of a row

We can also use this.tags that refers to the current row’s tag in the iteration

this.tags that refers to the current row’s tag
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