Update info: Translator++ Ver. 5.3.15

Changelog for Translator++ Ver. 5.3.15

Ver. 5.3.15

  • add ChatGPT Ver 0.1 (Install via addon installer)
  • fix Problem related to search feature. File with spaces not processed correctly.
  • fix Log to file error: CreateListFromArrayLike
  • fix Styling for various type of option’s form
  • fix Loading a project with a default translator that is not currently installed breaks right clicking
  • update PyLiveMaker ver. 0.1.1
  • fix PyLiveMaker: PyLiveMaker Parser addon skips first line of text
  • update TranslatorEngine class: Better handling default value
  • update JSONForm module



This is Beta release.

You can update your Translator++ via auto-update.