Translator++ release schedule

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your continuous support for Tranlator++.

This is a brief note for all patrons regarding the new releases in between the normal releases.

The latest Translator++ already has an autoupdate feature, so I can deliver patches & bug-fixes to users more quickly. These quick releases are labeled as “Beta release”. $5 patrons or more are eligible to receive these beta releases updates. Beta releases will only be available as auto update (or manually auto-update if you wish for).

Just as before, releases labeled as Stable Release (red. Normal releases) will be available to all patrons by the end of each month. The stable releases will contain all changes up to the current release date (In short… there is no change from the previous release schedule for $1 patrons or greater)

As for the Public Release, It will be released in a twice-a-year interval in April and October. The public releases are not particularly the latest version, because they will be selected from the version with the least known problems.

