Update info: Translator++ Ver. 5.2.28

Update : Renparser ver 0.8.2
Fix : Renparser : Unable to start a new Renpy project if Translator++ installation directory has changed
Fix : Renparser : Correctly escape “%” character
Fix : Opening Raw viewer is more RAM efficient
Add : Open raw file directly with VSCode
Add : Open raw file directly with Notepad++

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Update info: Translator++ Ver. 5.2.24

Fix : Wordwrap doesn’t work for original text’s preview
Update : KAGParser v.1.6.2
Fix : problem with lines that started with underscore
Fix : Styling for current cell editor options
Add : Information regarding markers
Add : Configuration to set speech speed, volume, and tone for speech synthetizer

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Update info: Translator++ Ver. 5.2.19

Fix : New lines not displayed correctly on current cell preview if the language is not Japanese.
Update : Custom Parser Ver. 0.6.2
Fix : Custom Parser : isValidOffsetPair()
Update : TyranoTrans Ver. 1.3.3
Update : KAGParser Ver. 1.6.1
Fix : KAGParser: Properly handle comments
Add : TransRikaikun ver. 0.1 – Japanese dictionary Rikaikun support for Translator++

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Update info: Translator++ Ver. 5.2.15

Update : KAGParser : Ver. 1.6
Add : KAGParser : Ability to extract XP3 file when starting a project.
Fix : KAGParser : Removed aggressive logging
Fix : KAGParser : Parser produces duplicate texts when handling text after command in a line
Update : DeepL : Ver 0.6.1
Fix : DeepL : Timeout will set the cell blank instead of the original texts
Fix : DeepL : Error when re-translating translated cell.
Fix : DeepL : Cache loading will be faster
Update : RMMV : ver. 2.6.6
Fix : Sometimes map’s display name is not translated
Add : AEC (Archive Extractor Compendium) addon ver. 0.1 – Collection of tool to extract game archives

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