Update info: Translator++ Ver. 6.5.15

Changelog for Translator++ Ver. 6.5.15

Ver. 6.5.15

  • update Custom Parser ver. 0.9
  • fix Parser Model Editor: Save as not updating the file path
  • fix Parser Model Editor: Sample data is saved into the tpm file instead of the global local storage
  • add Parser Model Editor: Highlight the translatable text in the sample editor
  • fix Parser Model Editor: Some UI texts are not capturable for translation
  • fix Parser Model Editor: Show confirmation message when the user about to open a new file and discard the changes
  • add Parser Model Editor: Open recent file
  • add common.nwUtil utility belt
  • add common.nwUtil.createMenu()



This is Beta release.

You can update your Translator++ via auto-update.