Update info: Translator++ Ver. 6.3.21

Changelog for Translator++ Ver. 6.3.21

Ver. 6.3.21

  • fix AddonUtils class’s value bleed to another instance
  • fix ThirdParty Class
  • add Loading indicator when the grid is counting row height
  • add Caching system for grid heights counting
  • update RMRGSS addon ver. 2.9
  • add Legacy Parser for RPGMakerTrans Ver. 4.6 CLI Gateway
  • add Major fix for Legacy parser to conform the latest features of Translator++, including auto tagging.
  • fix RPGMakerTrans: Some bug in RPGMakerTrans that crashes the application when dealing with faulty ruby scripts
  • fix RPGMakerTrans: Load all possible translatable texts
  • fix RPGMakerTrans: Label and call label type event commands are muted. Because we don’t need to translate this.
  • update WolfJS ver. 1.3.1



This is Beta release.

You can update your Translator++ via auto-update.