Translator++ Ver. 6.5.31 – DazedMTLTool and Custom Parser Editor

Greeting fellow translator,

Since the release of ChatGPT, in less than 2 years, [strike]hundreds of thousands of employees have been laid off[/strike] increasingly more scripts have been dedicated to translation. This time, Translator++ is implementing DazedMTLTool.

DazedMTLTool: A special script for translating RPGMaker

A script that translates RPGMaker JSON files using the ChatGPT API.

This script works on OpenAI Chat after enabling the add-on.

DazedMTLTool add-in

Parser Model Creator

Now you can easily create your own parser with the help of Windows and UI.

Custom Parse Ver. 0.9
Parse Model Creator Windows



  • Add : Add new functionality to JSONFOrm’s Ace. It will affect all ace code editor in Translator++
  • Add : JSONForm’s Ace editor now support warp options
  • Add : JSONForm’s Ace editor support font resize
  • Add : JSONForm’s colum selector
  • Fix : URL in CustomFields will open in the external browser
  • Add : Automatic OpenAI translation with DazedMTLTool (Install via add-on installer)


  • Add : menu to clear Row by Row level automation’s quick launch
  • Add : menu to clear object level automation’s quick launch
  • Add : Link to the guide on how to pin the automation script as quick launch
  • Add : Add extra menu for global level automation button
  • Add : Add quick launch for global level automation
  • Add : Add option to clear selected grid level automation’s quick launch
  • Add : Add option to clear selected found object automation’s quick launch
  • Update : YU-RIS parser ver. 0.8
  • Fix : common.searchFile() failed to search files when the path includes some misc characters


  • Update : Custom Parser ver. 0.9
  • Fix : Parser Model Editor: Save as not updating the file path
  • Fix : Parser Model Editor: Sample data is saved into the tpm file instead of the global local storage
  • Add : Parser Model Editor: Highlight the translatable text in the sample editor
  • Fix : Parser Model Editor: Some UI texts are not capturable for translation
  • Fix : Parser Model Editor: Show confirmation message when the user about to open a new file and discard the changes
  • Add : Parser Model Editor: Open recent file
  • Add : common.nwUtil utility belt
  • Add : common.nwUtil.createMenu()


  • Fix : python.js : Renamed reserved word package
  • Fix : Automation editor’s autocomplete updated with the recent API
  • Update : TransLiteLLM ver. 0.6
  • Add : LiteLLM : Tool to change / reinstall the server to any specified version
  • Update : Documentation for Python wrapper class


  • Update : RMMV ver. 2.7
  • Fix : Code cleanup for RMMV add-on.
  • Add : RMMV & RMMZ : Add the option to set maximum number of lines in a dialog box
  • Fix : RMMV & RMMZ : Unable to open RPG Maker Editor after inject/export if the plugin is empty.
  • Update : RMRGSS ver. 2.14.1
  • Add : Legacy RPG Maker XP, VX, VXAce : Export/Inject option will be remembered


  • Update : RPGMakerTrans ver. 4.6.4 – Add the option to set maximum number of lines in a dialog box
  • Update : RMRGSS ver. 2.14
  • Add : Legacy RPG Maker XP, VX, VXAce : Can set maximum number of line for dialog box upon export & inject


  • Fix : Freeze column bug when scrolling horizontally
  • Update : ChatGPT ver. 0.3.9
  • Update : GPT4All ver. 0.4
  • Fix : ChatGPT Tester
  • Update : WolfJS ver. 1.5
  • Add : Wolf RPG – Tool to extract all wolf files from a folder.