Translator++ Ver. 6.4.30 – Including Wolf Extractor

Greeting fellow translator,

Keep yourselves healthy and make sure to maintain good hygiene. I assume that most of you are shut-ins who spend 90% of your time in your rooms in front of a screen.

Extract Wolf Archive

As you know, some games are bundled and encrypted into a single file. Translator++ already has an extraction feature when injecting. Now you can use the extract feature for the Wolf engine game in the Tool menu.

Extract Wolf achieves Tool Menu
Wolf Archives Extractor

What can you do with this feature?

By extracting the original game, you can edit data other than text, such as textures, movies, and more. It also allows you to migrate to another version of the Wolf engine.

Legacy RPG Maker XP, VX, VXAce

Now you can set the maximum number of lines for the dialog box upon export and injection.



  • Update : RPGMakerTrans ver. 4.6.4 – Add the option to set maximum number of lines in a dialog box
  • Update : RMRGSS ver. 2.14
  • Add : Legacy RPG Maker XP, VX, VXAce : Can set maximum number of line for dialog box upon export & inject


  • Fix : Freeze column bug when scrolling horizontally
  • Update : ChatGPT ver. 0.3.9
  • Update : GPT4All ver. 0.4
  • Fix : ChatGPT Tester
  • Update : WolfJS ver. 1.5
  • Add : Wolf RPG – Tool to extract all wolf files from a folder.


  • Fix : DropFileToWindow fix
  • Fix : Faster import from spreadsheet
  • Update : SugoiTrans ver 0.5.18 – Sugoi Translator V4 is now free for everyone


  • Fix : Critical bug fix of AddonUtils class that prevents some basic addon’s function from working properly


  • Fix : Automatic clipboard set feature
  • Update : PyLiveMaker ver. 0.8
  • Fix : PyLiveMaker: Initializing pylivemaker doesn’t need git to be installed anymore
  • Fix : Beter table height calculation
  • Fix : Unable to export to Spreadsheet when using AddonUtils
  • Fix : common.wordwrapLocale()
  • Fix : Increased the limit of allowed rows to be copied text from grid from 1000 to 100000
  • Update : RMRGSS Addon ver. 2.13
  • Fix : RMRGSS Legacy parser – Special characters are double-escaped when injecting/exporting translation
  • Update : RPGMakerTrans ver. 4.6.3
  • Fix : RPGMakerTrans – The progress now accurately reflects the activity of the process.


  • Fix : Wordwrap tool error
  • Update : PyLiveMaker parser ver. 0.7
  • Fix : PyLiveMaker : Installation not initialized when starting a new project
  • Update : TransBaidu ver. 0.5 – Supports the new potocol used by Baidu Web
  • Fix : JSONForm layout for check box without description


  • Fix : PHPSpreadsheet – Unable to export