Translator++ Ver. 6.3.31 – Raw Viewer Tab

Greetings to all translators,
I hope you are doing well and great.

Raw Viewer Tab

Now you can monitor the raw script being worked on, with a tree-like display that automatically refers to the script being worked on. The display is read-only.

Raw Viewer tab

If you are a nerd developer who needs precision and monitoring while debugging and editing, you will definitely love it.


If you are not aware, Bard Google is now called Gemini AI, which is similar to ChatGPT from OpenAI. And now Translator++ supports Google Gemini AI.

Gemini AI Plugin

Perhaps now is the time for you to compare (quality) as a translator prompt.

Change Logs


  • Fix : Wrap Texts function now supports chinese, japanese and korean characters
  • Update : rmrgss ver. 2.11
  • Add : Legacy rmrgss : Raw viewer for RGSS script.
  • Add : rmrgss : Raw viewer for inline RGSS script.
  • Fix : rmrgss : Use the main PrismJS library
  • Fix : Translator engine: Error text.replaceAll()
  • Fix : BaseParser class. Parameters set to the last index if defaultParameter is set.
  • Add : RawViewer: new method handleAttachment()
  • Fix : PHPSpreadsheet’s mime_content_type error
  • Removed : The old RPG Maker Legacy parsed (It is replaced with the revamped legacy parser)
  • Update : PHPSpreadsheet ver. 2.0.0


  • Fix : CustomFields failed to render some fields on some engine
  • Update : WolfJS ver. 1.4
  • Fix : WolfJS: Fix the custom menu
  • Fix : WolfJS: Separates the wolfjs utility module with the main handler
  • Fix : Annoying bug from Handsontable. On large amount of rows, grid will scroll to another row when a cell is clicked.
  • Fix : PrismJS library is included in the main module as ESModule
  • Fix : Syntax highligning error for raw snippet
  • Update : KAGParser ver. 1.10
  • Update : RMRGSS ver. 2.9
  • Fix : RMRGSS – To load PrismJS from the main module now
  • Update : TyranoTrans ver. 1.5.1
  • Update : WolfJS ver. 1.3.1


  • Fix : AddonUtils class’s value bleed to another instance
  • Fix : ThirdParty Class
  • Add : Loading indicator when the grid is counting row height
  • Add : Caching system for grid heights counting
  • Update : RMRGSS addon ver. 2.9
  • Add : Legacy Parser for RPGMakerTrans Ver. 4.6 CLI Gateway
  • Add : Major fix for Legacy parser to conform the latest features of Translator++, including auto tagging.
  • Fix : RPGMakerTrans: Some bug in RPGMakerTrans that crashes the application when dealing with faulty ruby scripts
  • Fix : RPGMakerTrans: Load all possible translatable texts
  • Fix : RPGMakerTrans: Label and call label type event commands are muted. Because we don’t need to translate this.
  • Update : WolfJS ver. 1.3.1


  • Update : RM2K2K3 parser ver. 0.6.1
  • Fix : RM2K2K3 : add handler if ini file is not exist.
  • Fix : RM2K2K3 : Add a guard if you try to start a new project from a non RPG Maker 2000/2003 game.
  • Update : Pylivemakerparser ver. 0.6.1
  • Add : Pylivemakerparser: Enable thread processing to boost up project creation
  • Add : Pylivemakerparser: prevents starting a new project from a non Livemaker game
  • Add : Pylivemakerparser: prevents injecting translation into a non Livemaker game
  • Add : Pylivemakerparser: Livemaker tools menu in main menu
  • Add : Pylivemakerparser: Utility to patch for half-width character display


  • Update : RM2K2K3 Parser ver. 0.6
  • Add : TransGemini Ver. 0.1 – Translate using Google Gemini AI
  • Update : Pylivemakerparser ver. 0.6
  • Update : Pylivemaker will be installed during project creation / inject translation.
  • Update : Pylivemakerparser : Use Translator++’s Python module instead of separate python binary – Hence, smaller archive