This is Beta release.
Changelog for Translator++ Ver. 4.1.23
Ver. 4.1.23
- update Sugoi Translator V 0.3
- fix Sugoi Translator: Properly loadbalanced through multiple servers when the server has different specs and speed.
- fix Sugoi Translator manager: Apply setting doesn’t affect max batch anymore
- add Search & Replace. Transpile rnt into cariage return, new line, or tab
- fix Bug on the default custom escaper’s regular expression
- add Custom Script Editor: Added javascript’s basic autocomplete & framework’s autocomplete
- fix Suppress false warning on the custom escaper’s editor
- fix Version to float conversion error on some case (leading to the version comparasion bug)
- add Confirmation on installing addons
- add Information regarding the current version of the installed addons.
- add Custom Script Editor: added enclosure of the scripts, so that the script within is more make sense
- add Custom Script Editor: Quick add “this” topic into the current pointer
You can update your Translator++ via auto-update.