Translator++ Ver. 6.9.30 – Bakin RPG Parser

Greetings fellow translators,

Autumn has arrived, how was your holiday? Or perhaps you didn’t get any days off?

Highlights of This Month:

Bakin RPG Parser

Bakin is a game engine released in 2022 by SmileBoom Co. Ltd. It is the second game engine by SmileBoom after their focus on animated 3D games in 2016. Bakin’s concept is to combine pixelated RPGs with 3D model maps.

Since this engine is relatively new and paid, there are currently only a few Bakin games available.
It would be great if more JP-bros noticed and used this engine.

Bakin RPG logo

For more information please visit their official website and wiki.

Bakin Translation Tools add-on parser on Translator++

As stated, the requirements to install are 1000 points and Translator++ version above 6.9.7

Start a new project of Bakin RPG

ChatGPT Translator v2

Many changes have been made with the addition of more detailed prompts and more specific instructions, such as:

  • Adding the capability to append a glossary to the ChatGPT Translator v2
  • Adding the capability to specify who is speaking in a dialogue
  • Adding the capability to use the Batch Manager window to view batch translation logs
  • The ability to add sample conversations
Sample dialogue UI

Sample Dialogue UI can be found in ChatGPT Setting>Template tabs scroll down a bit to titled Sample dialogue

Change Logs


  • Fix : BatchTranslate is not loaded upon initialization
  • Update : TransChatGPT ver. 0.10
  • Add : TransChatGPT : ChatGPT v2 – Ability to add sample conversation
  • Fix : Missing reset.batch to hard resets Translator++
  • Update : Sugoi Translator ver 0.7
  • Fix : Sugoi translator: Unable to start the server


  • Add : BatchTranslate class – reworks of the old batch translate process
  • Update : ChatGPT ver. 0.9
  • Add : ChatGPT – The new ChatGPT translator v2
  • Add : ChatGPT – Add the capability to append glossary to the ChatGPT Translator v2
  • Add : ChatGPT – Add the capability to tell the AI on who is talking on the dialogue
  • Add : ChatGPT – Add the capability to use Batch Manager window to view the logs of the batch translation.
  • Fix : ChatGPT Batch API – Unable to properly insert the translations if the texts is one line and have more than 1 colon characters
  • Fix : Live translation pane is not displayed
  • Update : SugoiTrans ver. 0.6.4
  • Fix : Support for the latest sugoi translator ver 9.5


  • Add : BakinParser ver 0.1 – Added support for RPG Developer Bakin
  • Add : BakinParser – Decompiler tool for RPG Developer Bakin game
  • Chore : ui.log reworked into a different class with easy to understand methods.
  • Update : VNTextPatch ver. 0.9
  • Fix : VNTextPatch: Replaced the PHPSpreadsheet’s method setCellValueByColumnAndRow with setCellValue
  • Update : SheetParser ver. 0.2
  • Fix : SheetParser: Replaced the PHPSpreadsheet’s method setCellValueByColumnAndRow with setCellValue
  • Chore : SheetParser: Reorganize the functions into the nodejs modules
  • Fix : Error when writing into spreadsheet format since PHPSpreadsheet is updated to ver 2.
  • Update : TransChatGPT ver. 0.8
  • Add : ChatGPT Batch Translate API – Add supports for tagging
  • Update : UnityTrans ver. 0.7
  • Fix : UnityTrans – Unable to start project in some scenario.


  • Update : WolfJS ver. 6.9.1
  • Fix : Open TPP failed when cache directory is not exist.
  • Update : SRPGStudioparser ver. 0.2
  • Add : SRPGStudioparser – Now supports translation / unpack / repacking data.dts file

Please update your Translator++ to the latest version 6.9.27.

You can also grab the update package here.
