Update info: Translator++ Ver. 6.9.11

Changelog for Translator++ Ver. 6.9.11

Ver. 6.9.11

  • add BakinParser ver 0.1 – Added support for RPG Developer Bakin
  • add BakinParser – Decompiler tool for RPG Developer Bakin game
  • chore ui.log reworked into a different class with easy to understand methods.
  • update VNTextPatch ver. 0.9
  • fix VNTextPatch: Replaced the PHPSpreadsheet’s method setCellValueByColumnAndRow with setCellValue
  • update SheetParser ver. 0.2
  • fix SheetParser: Replaced the PHPSpreadsheet’s method setCellValueByColumnAndRow with setCellValue
  • chore SheetParser: Reorganize the functions into the nodejs modules
  • fix Error when writing into spreadsheet format since PHPSpreadsheet is updated to ver 2.
  • update TransChatGPT ver. 0.8
  • add ChatGPT Batch Translate API – Add supports for tagging
  • update UnityTrans ver. 0.7
  • fix UnityTrans – Unable to start project in some scenario.



This is Beta release.

You can update your Translator++ via auto-update.